Monthly Archives: April 2017

Essential or not? (continued) (#33 – 34)

By |2018-10-22T18:05:58+11:00April 20th, 2017|Modelling principles, Newsletter|

Changes for one? In the last post we highlighted the importance of getting input from more than one person. This post looks at a variation on that.  We will often get input from various parts of an organisation which need different information and different verification.  As a result, some tables will be important to one [...]

A single point of contact (#32)

By |2018-10-22T18:20:48+11:00April 18th, 2017|Modelling principles, Newsletter|

The last post concluded by considering the need to get input from different interest groups when designing systems for existing or new applications.  When we have a data modelling assignment, we often discuss requirements with a limited set of contacts within the client company.  Data modelling is considered a little too arcane for most people, [...]

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