Monthly Archives: August 2017

Importing data (#49)

By |2018-10-21T00:20:49+11:00August 28th, 2017|Modelling principles, Newsletter|

Often the data we are modelling must be imported into a database.  Data importing can be a complex and difficult task. Often the data must come from several different sources and the importing will occur in several steps. Sometimes the data for different tables can come from different sources and must be imported at different [...]

Performance (#48)

By |2018-10-21T00:27:01+11:00August 21st, 2017|Modelling principles, Newsletter|

In a database, good performance is vital. So, how can we be sure we will have good performance in a project?  What will make a data model good for performance or bad? And what is good performance anyway? Let’s start by defining good performance. […]

Use case design (#46)

By |2018-10-20T22:35:42+11:00August 1st, 2017|Modelling principles, Newsletter|

Use cases must be designed in cooperation with future users of the software or database.  Designers will have a theoretical view to some extent, while users have more practical demands.  Theoretical matters are not an end in themselves, so aim for practical solutions. […]

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