
Newsletters which discuss Django.

Advantages of using Django? (#63)

By |2018-10-20T23:56:47+11:00October 17th, 2018|Django, Newsletter|

So what are the advantages in using Django? It does make the modelling easy, but it also adds some extra constraints or complexities. There are many advocates of Django and many places where people will try to answer the question “Why use Django?” In the table below, I have included links to eight such articles, [...]

EPANET Modelling in WaterSums – Part 3 (#62)

By |2018-10-11T17:44:02+11:00August 24th, 2018|Django, Newsletter|

Some time ago when we looked at modelling the simple example of Hezekiah’s tunnel (EPANET Network Components – Database tables and rows, Part 1 (#18)), we discussed the options for creating our data tables including some ways to use a class hierarchy.  EPANET has nodes (junctions, reservoirs and tanks) and links (pipes, pumps and valves) which [...]

EPANET Modelling in WaterSums – Part 1 (#60)

By |2018-10-11T17:25:58+11:00May 25th, 2018|Django, Newsletter|

Many software programs that model water supply networks use the public domain EPANET modelling engine for analysis.  EPANET defines many different types of object which can be contained in such networks and settings for simulation of events in the networks.  EPANET also defines an input file format which can describe these objects and settings. [...]

Django and sub-classing (#54 – #56)

By |2017-11-14T17:17:57+11:00October 17th, 2017|Django, Modelling principles, Newsletter|

When modelling data, we often need to distinguish between different types of objects.  For example, a mapping application may need to store information about both roads and lakes, or a library catalogue may need to store data about both books and DVDs.  With these examples, the objects can be quite diverse and the details stored [...]

EPANET Input Files in Django, Part 1 (#25)

By |2017-02-10T11:44:11+11:00February 8th, 2017|Django, Newsletter|

In an earlier series of newsletters, we looked at input files for EPANET, a public domain water supply network modelling tool.  To minimise the modelling required, we took as an example the simplest water supply network that I could think of – Hezekiah's tunnel in Jerusalem – and considered the tables we would need to [...]

Django Apps and Databases, Part 2 (#24)

By |2018-10-02T17:23:44+10:00January 19th, 2017|Django, Newsletter|

Last week we went through the second stage of the rather painful process of setting up a simple Django example.  For most people, this is not really a simple process, and if you have managed to survive through it, you have done well. A project from scratch The quick summary of beginning to set up [...]

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